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With more videos, chances for virality increases, but certain services will need to be outsourced.
Advance for Living Expenses: $60K
6 Music Videos: $60K ($10K x 6 videos)
Digital Marketing: $120K ($20K x 6 videos)
Artwork/Photoshoots: $3K (for 6-8 singles)
PR: $24K (for 12-14 assets)
Remixes and Features: $10K
TOTAL: $277K
With fewer videos, the duo can still release 6-8 tracks, but milks the 4 strongest marketing campaigns for longer.
Advance for Living Expenses: $60K
4 Music Videos: $40K ($10K x 4 videos)
Artwork/Photoshoots: $3K (for 6-8 singles)
Digital Marketing: $60K ($15K x 4 Videos)
Remixes and Features: $10K
TOTAL: $173K
Note: More songs are currently being polished.
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