Options A and B were created with a very vague idea of the available budget. $500K to “break an artist” could be put to good use as well, but these crafted plans will still lead to very substantial growth. They have been created around resources DATW’s team knows how to use, but will be implemented at a larger scale necessary to make a dent in the music scene with Vero Music. By purchasing the selection of 6-8 singles without being bound to the album or EP structure, Vero Music will be ahead of the curve. When lightning strikes, we’ll all have the flexibility to adapt and capitalize.
Not included in this proposal are sync placements and distribution.
If a Vero Music partner plans on pitching the music for TV, Movies, Commercials, Trailers, Video Games, etc., this also has a great chance of making money / recouping costs. If no partner is currently selected, DATW will continue to reach out to make a 3rd party deal for this.
Choosing a distributor is very important, as they can have the closest relationships to the curators at Apple, Spotify and other streaming platforms. If the label/artist doesn’t have a good relationship with the distributor, the chances of getting playlisted are diminished. DATW is currently in talks with some distributors, but would love to talk to ATC first.
Ultimately, the duo will need to grow on all platforms to gain legitimacy, but DATW will be one of Vero’s championed artists. Dana and Daniel have always had a vision aligned with Vero: Beyond the appealing but artificial level of beauty lies truth, but it takes knowledge and open mindedness to find it.
"Dana And The Wolf are the rebellious and fearless leaders that we have been waiting for. The entire music industry has been shaken upside down with the duo charging the front line full speed ahead."
-The Huffington Post